Make money online the right way
Financial planning does not always imply to manage your cash in hand. It does imply how one should plan to earn money as well. There are two ways of making money. 1. Active Income 2. Passive Income Active income means one person spending his time to do some work to earn some money. For example, we work to get salary, Shop keeper work to make sales. In this a person is needed himself to do some work and make money. Passive income on the other hand means you have done some work once and making money continuously from the same work that you already did in the past. The interest earned form savings bank fixed deposit is the best example of passive income. For that you are not working on it anymore. You earned the money in the past and kept it with bank. They use the money and give you benefit. Some other examples of passive income are, 1. FD interest income from banks 2. Income from rental of any kind of asset 3. Income from digital assets 4. Income of royalty, etc. On...